Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Spark & Spunk


I heard her once not ever twice; the ripples of her shadow struck me, left me speechless and sublime.

I was broken and lost. She picked me up from the dust and healed (my heart). Sending me forth to fly free. towards the ethereal sky; I chose to fly back to her arms over time…

I could see the depth of her eyes; feel the warmth of her breadth and melt in her divine laugh. Why did she choose me? I was the one who ostracised the world and its ways of pathetic love. The love which needed and wanted more than it gave; then why such kindness bestowed?

She walked slow; oh so slow, her sensual glow overtook the pale moon above, she danced as if she was making love. She sang me into her arms, cajoled me to overlook the mundane; always revelling in the divine. Always one in such joy.

I strung my guitar and she appeared in my dreams, speaking so soft that I could but see her red lips move… calling me… calling me…. my dreams so far; yet could deliver her; into my arms.

I broke down and her vision of lustre erupted to console me. I ran and ran endlessly to escape (myself) and there she was everywhere within and without; smiling and calling me to her arms once more. Why did she choose me? Was this something even worth considering?

Oh You of little faith; she spoke though she kept no name. You who give up your essence over endless human follies and mistakes.. You do not need love as she does not need you. You are free and immortal yet cursed in human form for sure. I could not fathom my angel, holding me; speaking what needed never to be spoken. I could not fathom that one day; once again, I would imagine a love divine possible. Possible without boundary or form.

Its possible my love; she spoke with her eyes burning bright, it surely is… for your beating heart beats oh for this. It pumps the ink of blood through your coil. It beats with purpose to find (she smiled and laughed as she spoke) the endless strings which you strum. The strings you strum,as this heart it beats, The love which is lost or forgotten surely takes front seat.

Love is nature, Love is nothing, as nothing remains. So shall love.

Love is timeless and forever locked in that sensual kiss.

Love smiles and bestows. Love gives and with open arms; accepts what is.

Love is not a condition; Love is god and surely god-less-ness.

Love is a word which cannot be spoken. Love is an act which once be done cannot be known.

Love is being consumed by itself. Love is the plague which is waiting outside.

Love is your heart beating. And as it stops one fine day; You will know that love was for ever more than your heart beating for someone or something held by some narrow sighted sway.

Love is all and nothing; its not an object or a feeling. Its you and me and in between. Love was also my personal angel coming to save me.

Forever Peace and Love ~

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