Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Unified ~ * ~ Collectively

Evolution as explained in terms of consciousness:
1. The de-evolved human being believes only in individual unique consciousness existing; to explain more simply imagine a mental frame where you only see non-living inorganic items; like we see cars and computers and watches and everything non-living, expand this frame to include people too. The devolved man is blind perhaps; he uses his kind (human beings) and others which are alive for he thinks that he and only he is truly alive and hence its imperative that he uses any and all means to his end. This is termed as Machiavellian personalities to some extents, but I see such people as the real fools for they forget to understand that they are not the center of the universe, they are not special and they are not favored, they are equal and that is the true treasure of life. 
2. The evolving Human being does believe that individual conscioussness exists similar to him in other beings as well, but their importance to him cannot be as much as he cares for his own conscious self. This is because deep down, at an instinctual level he has believed this mirage to be true- that even though other consciousness exists; it is partially alive and hence its never as important as his needs wants or desires ever.
3. The evolved human being understands that there are others exactly like him around him everywhere in living things and people; if hes truly smart, he would find life in a lot more places than we usually care to look; and he would know at an instinctual level that his needs wants or intentions are exactly like any other life, maybe for different desires but they are equally important to those living beings. There is co existence at this point between individual and a collective consciousness. Yet there exists a dual understanding; as in the individual evolved being does not still see in a unified field* This is termed as empathy in our psychological constructs at times.
4. The saint is one who understands that in reality or mirage there exists only one unified collective consciousness, though it fills space between as void; all life exists everywhere every-time and though the mirage of separation of mind body thought and spirit exist. the soul is the same. The intent of all life remains to expand this very same consciousness, perhaps through different means; but the individual and the collective co exist and are also experienced and understood; not at a mind level, at a no mind level, and it cannot be put more detailed than that, for language fails where silence and unity prevail. This is termed by buddha as true compassion! (How I agree with the buddha), and hence you see that saints time over giving up what might be held as dear to their life for another, for there is no true difference in energetic terms as long as life survives as one (the collective is the symbol for the one and only one consciosness; and individual consciousness a representation of the many that are still one - again in terms of energy)
5. Ofcourse In this recount of evolution, and surely this is an expression of evolution at a energetic-power oriented level, I have not accounted for mad people or schizophrenics, whose energy aligns to see world present as different consciousness, some real or imagined. I never pay attention to the titles; for at an energetic level, you can understand what the state of evolution a being has attained by the 'subjective wisdom' present within and around such consciousness *for saints; this implies they become collective storehouses of power and consciousness and also attracting more conscious living beings at the same time




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Ode to Humanity

I am not a big fan of human kind, the version of life that in today’s day seems to be only focused upon itself. The day’s pass and humans ...